Algorithm Styled Question - Max Path Sum

  • Programming
  • Algorithms
  • Math
  • Python
Published on Tue Jun 28 2022. Views
My Python implementation of the algorithm used to solve problem 67 of Project Euler.

Problem Statement

NOTE: This is adapted from problem 67 of project euler

By starting at the top of the triangle below and moving to adjacent numbers on the row below, the maximum total from top to bottom is 23.

  7 4
 2 4 6
8 5 9 3

That is, 3 + 7 + 4 + 9 = 23.

Find the maximum total from top to bottom of the triangle in the 15Kb text file

NOTE: It is not possible to try every route to solve this problem, as there are 2992^{99} altogether! If you could check one trillion (101210^{12}) routes every second it would take over twenty billion years to check them all. There is an efficient algorithm to solve it. ;o)

The Algorithm I Used

I used recursion because it's the most intuitive and straightforward approach for me, but it's also because it's easier to implement.

Here is the code:

def maxSum(triangle: list[list[int]], layer: int, node: int, memo: dict):
    curr = triangle[layer][node]

    if layer == len(triangle) - 1:
        return curr

    key = f"{layer}|{node}"

    if memo.get(key):
        return memo[key]

    res = max(maxSum(triangle, layer + 1, node, memo),
              maxSum(triangle, layer + 1, node + 1, memo)) + curr
    memo[key] = res

    return res

def solve(triangle: list[str]):
    integerizedTriangle = list(map(lambda row: list(
        map(int, row)), map(lambda x: x.split(" "), triangle)))
    memo = {}
    return maxSum(integerizedTriangle, 0, 0, memo)

The maxSum Function

def maxSum(triangle: list[list[int]], layer: int, node: int, memo: dict):


The function takes four arguments, the first oen is the triangle represented as a 2d integer array, where each nested array is the equivalent of a layer in the triangle.

layer and node are simply indices used to determine the position of the current node we are looking at. layer is the row and node is the ith item in that row (0-indexed).

Lastly, memo is the dictionary used for optimization with memoization, whereby a key representing the position of a node is mapped to its computed maximum sum.


def maxSum(triangle: list[list[int]], layer: int, node: int, memo: dict):
    # get's the value of the current node in the triangle
    curr = triangle[layer][node]

    # if we are at the bottom layer of the triangle, we reach a base case
    if layer == len(triangle) - 1:
        # then return the current node as the maximum sum as there's nothing below it
        return curr

    # define our own representation for the location of the node
    key = f"{layer}|{node}"

    # check if the maximum sum for this node is already computed and stored in memo
    if memo.get(key):
        # if so, return the memoized value, avoiding further time-consuming computation
        return memo[key]

    # if no value is memoized, recursively calculate the maximum sum for the current node
    # it works by comparing the *maximum sums* of the two nodes immediately below it
    # (which we will have to compute recursively), and adding the greater one to the value
    # of the curren node
    res = max(maxSum(triangle, layer + 1, node, memo),
              maxSum(triangle, layer + 1, node + 1, memo)) + curr
    # memoize the value
    memo[key] = res

    # return that as the result
    return res


For this specific input, it took the algorithm about 0.0073 seconds (on average) to run, which, I'm pretty happy with.


Overall, it was a very fun problem to attempt and having the algorithm work on the first try was very exciting.