A Brief Introduction to Calculus: Part 1.4 - Using the Rate of Change

  • Math
  • Calculus
  • Further Math
Published on Wed Aug 03 2022. Views
An introduction to basic concepts in Calculus; mostly based on the IGCSE Further Math textbook.


This is the fourth part of first series — Derivatives, focused on applying the rate of change in relatively simple scenarios and questions.

Note: the content introduced in this series is mostly based on the IGCSE Further Math textbook.

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Problems Involving Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration

  • Displacement is a vector quantity represented by ss.
  • Velocity is a vector quantity represented by vv.
  • Acceleration is a vector quantity represented by aa.

If you've learned a little bit of physics, you would know that v=s/tv = s/t where t is time, and a=v/ta = v/t.

Generally, the expressions' variable would be time, and we would have to differentiate the functions with respect to tt(time) to work out the rate of something.

Now, if you get a question that, for example, gives you a polynomial of some degree indicating the relationship between two of these quantities stated above (e.g. s=3t2+7t13s = 3t^2 + 7t - 13), you'll have to calculate the derivative of the function to obtain some result, for example, velocity.

Key Point

  • v=dsdtv = \frac{ds}{dt}
  • a=dvdt=d2sdt2a = \frac{dv}{dt} = \frac{d^2s}{dt^2}

Example 1

A particle PP is moving along a straight line that passes through the fixed point OO. The displacement, ss meters, of PP from OO at time tt seconds is given by:

s=t36t2+5t4\begin{align*} s = t^3 - 6t^2 + 5t - 4 \end{align*}

Find the value of t for which the acceleration of P is 3m/s23m/s^2.

a=d2sdt2=6t123=6t126t=15t=52 seconds\begin{align*} a &= \frac{d^2s}{dt^2} = 6t -12 \\ \\ 3 &= 6t - 12 \\ 6t &= 15 \\ t &= \frac{5}{2} \space seconds \end{align*}

Example 2

The velocity, vv m/s, of a particle after t seconds is given by v=16032tv = 160 - 32t. Find the acceleration.

a=dvdt=32m/s2\begin{align*} a &= \frac{dv}{dt} \\ &= -32 m/s^2 \\ \\ \end{align*}

Example 3

The displacement, ss meters, of a particle after tt seconds is given by s=t32t2+3t+1s = t^3 - 2t^2 + 3t + 1

  1. Find an expression for vv.
v=dsdtv=3t24t+3\begin{align*} v &= \frac{ds}{dt} \\ \\ v &= 3t^2 - 4t + 3 \end{align*}
  1. Find an expression for aa.
a=dvdta=6t4\begin{align*} a &= \frac{dv}{dt} \\ \\ a &= 6t - 4 \end{align*}
  1. Work out the velocity and acceleration of the particle after two seconds, in the correct units.
v=32242+3=128+3=7m/sa=6t4=124=8m/s2\begin{align*} v &= 3 \cdot 2^2 - 4 \cdot 2 + 3 \\ &= 12 - 8 + 3 \\ &= 7 m/s \\ \\ a &= 6t - 4 \\ &= 12 - 4 \\ &= 8m/s^2 \end{align*}

Maximization/Minimization Problems

Oftentimes, you will have to construct a function that relates one quantity to another, say xx is the independent variable and yy is the dependent variable, and you will have to find the value of xx for which yy is a maximum/minimum.

Once you have a function, calculate its derivative and set its value to 0, thus providing an equation whose solutions would be the coordinates of the turning points. Refer back to the "Stationary Points" section for more explanation of the method.

Example 1


  • The minor arc length of a sector is l=rθl = r\theta, where θ\theta is the angle in radians (180 degrees = π\pi radians).

OMTOMT is a minor sector of a circle with center OO and radius rr cm. The perimeter of the sector is 200cm.

  1. Find a function for the area of the sector, A, in cm2cm^2.
P=200200=2r+rθ200r=2+θθ=200r2A=πr2θ2πA=r2θ2θ=200r2A=r212[200r2]=r2[100r1]=100rr2\begin{align*} P &= 200 \\ 200 &= 2r + r\theta \\ \frac{200}{r} &= 2 + \theta \\ \theta &= \frac{200}{r} - 2 \\ \\ A &= \pi r^2 \frac{\theta}{2\pi} \\ A &= r^2 \frac{\theta}{2} \\ \\ \because \theta &= \frac{200}{r} - 2 \\ A &= r^2 \cdot \frac{1}{2}\left[\frac{200}{r} - 2\right] \\ &= r^2 \left[\frac{100}{r} - 1\right] \\ &= 100r - r^2 \end{align*}
  1. Find the value of rr for which AA is a maximum.
dAdr=1002r0=1002rr=50\begin{align*} \frac{dA}{dr} &= 100 - 2r \\ \\ 0 &= 100 - 2r \\ r &= 50 \end{align*}
  1. Prove that the area of a sector with the radius calculated above is indeed a maximum.
d2Adr2=2<0\begin{align*} \frac{d^2A}{dr^2} &= -2 < 0 \end{align*}
  1. Find the maximum area of the sector OMNOMN.
r=50A=10050502=50002500=2500cm2\begin{align*} r &= 50 \\ A &= 100 \cdot 50 - 50^2 \\ &= 5000 - 2500 \\ &= 2500 cm^2 \end{align*}

Example 2

A large tank in the shape of a cuboid is to be made from 54m254m^2 of sheet metal. There is no top, i.e. only 5 faces. The height and width of the tank are both xx meters.

  1. Find a function for the volume of the cuboid.
Let y be the length of the cuboid54=2x2+3xyy=542x23x\textnormal{Let } y \textnormal{ be the length of the cuboid} \\ \begin{align*} \\ 54 &= 2x^2 + 3xy \\ y &= \frac{54 - 2x^2}{3x} \end{align*}
V=x2y=x2[542x23x]=18x23x3\begin{align*} V &= x^2y \\ &= x^2\left[\frac{54 - 2x^2}{3x}\right] \\ &= 18x - \frac{2}{3}x^3 \end{align*}
  1. Find the maximum stationary point of VV and justify that it's a maximum.
dVdx=182x20=182x2x=3d2Vdx2=4x\begin{align*} \frac{dV}{dx} &= 18 - 2x^2 \\ 0 &= 18 - 2x^2 \\ x &= {3} \\ \\ \frac{d^2V}{dx^2} &= -4x \\ \end{align*}
Thus a coordinate with a positive x valuewould be a maximum stationary point.\begin{align*} &\textnormal{Thus a coordinate with a positive x value} \\ &\textnormal{would be a maximum stationary point.} \\ \end{align*}
x=3V=1832333=5418=36m3\begin{align*} x &= 3 \\ V &= 18\cdot 3 - \frac{2}{3}\cdot 3^3 \\ &= 54 - 18 \\ &= 36 m^3 \end{align*}

Example 3

A community is planning the greenery for a land of area 1000m21000m^2. One part would be planted with flowers and the other part with grass.

Let the area of grass be xx m2m^2; the cost of the grass, y1y_1, is given by y1=30xy_1 = 30x. The cost of the flowers, y2y_2 is given by y2=0.01x220x+30000y_2 = -0.01x^2 - 20x + 30000.

Let WW be the total cost of greenery for the whole area, calculate the maximum value of WW; and thus find the area of grass when WW is maximum.

W=y1+y2W=1100x2+10x+30000dWdx=150x+100=150x+1010=150xx=500Wmax=11005002+10500+30000=32500\begin{align*} W &= y_1 + y_2 \\ W &= -\frac{1}{100}x^2 + 10x + 30000 \\ \\ \frac{dW}{dx} &= - \frac{1}{50}x + 10 \\ 0 &= - \frac{1}{50}x + 10 \\ 10 &= \frac{1}{50}x \\ x &= 500 \\ \\ W_{max} &= -\frac{1}{100}\cdot 500^2 + 10 \cdot 500 + 30000 \\ &= 32500 \end{align*}


This is the end of the first section in the series — Derivatives. Hopefully the content was intuitive and helpful.

Thanks for reading.