Table Tennis - Skills Enrichment and Increasing Physical Exercise

Fri Jun 14 2024 - Sat Aug 31 2024Now, with reduced levels of stress during the summer, I would like to focus more on a sport that primarily targets mental calmness rather than physical demands.

Focus and Aim

Now, with reduced levels of stress during the summer, I would like to focus more on a sport that primarily targets mental calmness rather than physical demands.

Learning Outcomes

Addressed Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
  2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
  3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
  4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
  5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
  6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
  7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

CAS Hours

CAS Stages

Investigation & Preparation

Plan a flexible schedule of table tennis activities, with moderate levels of exercise to ensure the output of calories.

Selectively watch tutorials from Chinese media platforms to refresh on the theoretical component of the sport. Then, produce an adequate plan of which skills to brush up on and when.


Execute the schedule and play with a companion. Each time, learn from past mistakes in order to improve and perform better in the next session.


See all records here


I've strengthened my coordination and strategic thinking, especially in refining my serves and backhand, through continuous practice in regular 10 minute slots. Collaborating with my peers in matches has honed my skills of learning from each others' styles, analyzing them, and fine-tuning my own.

Playing table tennis reveals the global cultural differences in sports techniques. Western players typically focus on power and range, while Eastern players emphasize speed, control, and consistency. Learning and incorporating these varied styles highlights the importance of cultural exchange, enhancing understanding and respect for different approaches, and promoting international cooperation and appreciation of diversity.

Reflecting on my choices in matches, there was a moment when my opponent made a close call that I initially disagreed with. Rather than contesting it, I chose to trust their decision and continue the match without conflict. This experience underscored the importance of fair play and respecting the integrity of the game, showing me that upholding sportsmanship sometimes requires prioritizing mutual respect over personal disputes.