Rope Skipping - Sustaining Physical Well-Being Under Academic Pressure

Mon Nov 06 2023 - Tue Dec 31 2024Maintaining physical health through regular activities

Introduction to The Activity


Addressed Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
  2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
  3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
  4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
  5. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
  6. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

CAS Hours

CAS Stages


Being aware of the increasing workload during the period of IB, I have noticed a lack of engagement in physical activities and am concerned about potential threats and impacts on health.


  • Researching effective and diverse ways of skipping.
  • Researching and leveraging the optimal amount of exercise and duration based on my own physical conditions and requirements.
  • Planning a flexible and achievable schedule.


  • Execute the plans and record the evidence using wrist-wear devices or other methods.
  • Taking breaks upon reaching physical limits.


See the list of activity records obtained from the wristwear here.



Through a few days of warm-up sessions, I now feel immediately more physically and mentally joyous. This provided me with the opportunity to ponder upon the importance of physical exercise not only to myself, but also to a wide range of office workers and students in a global context. The increasing amount of stress unknowingly deprived us of exposure to indispensable body movement, and as a result, an increasing portion of the population within this group is suffering from health issues due to long working hours. This reinforces my determination to continue the experience and acquire more inspirational thoughts in the process.

Rope skipping, despite its negligible requirements for equipment and location, still may produce a certain level of disturbance in the neighborhood. Hence, out of ethical concerns, I chose to carry out the activity on the rooftop, at a time slot where no one else was there and so I could minimize the noise damage dealt to my neighbors.


As I continue my rope skipping routine amidst the increasing academic pressures of the Internal Assessments (IA), I find it both challenging and rewarding. This experience has highlighted my resilience and determination, revealing strengths in time management and adaptability. Despite the mounting workload, I've sustained my commitment to physical health, developing skills in planning and using technology to track my progress. This perseverance has reinforced the importance of consistency and discipline. Additionally, this journey has underscored the global issue of balancing health with academic and professional pressures, inspiring me to share my experience to encourage others. Ethical considerations, such as minimizing disturbance to neighbors continue to play an important role in scheduling exercise time slots.


With the end of mock exams, I've had more time to focus on my rope skipping routine, which has been both refreshing and insightful. This period has helped me stay disciplined and manage my time better. Balancing exercise with a busy schedule has made me more resilient and adaptable. Planning my CAS activity required finding the right balance between flexibility and structure, and sticking to it has been important for my long-term health. This experience has also made me realize how hard it can be for people to fit in physical activity despite busy lives, and it motivates me to share my journey to encourage others. I've been careful to exercise at times and places that don't disturb others, showing my effort to be considerate and responsible.


This past month, I exercised less due to various commitments, and I've begun to notice the negative effects. Without regular rope skipping, I've felt more stressed and less energized. It's been a reminder of how important physical activity is for my overall well-being. This period has taught me that maintaining a routine, even when busy, is crucial for both my physical and mental health. I've realized that skipping sessions, while sometimes unavoidable, should be minimized to prevent these downsides. This experience has underscored the need to find a better balance and make consistent exercise a priority, despite a hectic schedule.


During May, my rope skipping activity was limited due to the end-of-year academic pressures, and I managed a maximum of 1000 skips per session. However, with the onset of the holidays in June, I increased the intensity to 2000 skips per session. This adjustment has significantly enhanced my physical endurance and overall well-being. I have recognized my capacity for greater physical exertion and have developed resilience and improved stamina. Despite earlier setbacks, I have shown dedication to my CAS experience by doubling my efforts and pushing through challenges to achieve a higher level of performance.