WorldEventAlert - Spreading Awareness of International Days

Thu Apr 04 2024 - Sun Nov 30 2025Creating a poster and publicizing it on social media to spread global awareness of this important day


Addressed Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
  2. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
  3. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
  4. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

CAS Hours

CAS Stages

Investigation and Preparation

Research and read online articles about a day. Find out about its history, meaning, and other facts and statistics


Collaborate with the partner to gather information, filter the sources, and compose the contents of the posters, then publish on X, aiming to inform people about important global events and days in the month.

Data collection involves researching authoritative websites for credible information to avoid misinformation, reiterating the principles of academic integrity, and applying them in real-life scenarios. The platform X was chosen to maximize the exposure of spreading awareness, contributing to the final goal of educating people about the importance of commemorating International Days.

Collaboration is a key component of success, as it incentivizes debates and discussions between me and my peers, allowing for the presentation of more comprehensive and objective perspectives backed up by a rigid system of evidence


First Poster

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Second Poster

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Further Posters

PDF File



International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

Creating this poster involved several steps. I began by researching and selecting relevant international days to feature. Ensuring the accuracy of the information was a priority during this phase. Designing the layout required thoughtful consideration of visual elements to effectively communicate the message. While there were challenges in condensing information in limited space, the process was ultimately successful. Through this experience, I gained valuable insights into this international event that I was not aware of before, now acquiring a more consolidated understanding of the impacts of war.

The selection of information succeeded to incorporate a diversity of sources and perspectives, ensuring the ethical aspects of publishing this piece of work by maintaining objectivity.



Creating a UN Peacekeeper Day poster involved researching the history and significance of the day, ensuring the accuracy of information, and designing a clear and informative layout along with my peer. The process required balancing visuals with essential facts, which was challenging but ultimately successful. Reading on and utilizing diverse sources provided a balanced and objective view of UN peacekeeping efforts, ensuring ethical standards were met. Through this project I was able to gain a better understanding of the role of peacekeepers and the impact of their work on global peace and security. Overall, it improved my presentations skills and my ability to work collaboratively with others.


World Day Against Child Labor 2024

Working on the World Environment Day 2024 poster with two peers involved a comprehensive process that improved my understanding and skills of creating posters that come with a heavy significance. We researched various sources and recognized the global nature of these challenges and the need for action against child labor. Ensuring the accuracy and balance of our information was essential for maintaining integrity. Collaborating with my peers required us to align our goals, distribute tasks based on individual strengths, and give constructive feedback, which sped up the making of the poster. Our process included brainstorming sessions, collaborative researching, and cross-validation of information.